It has been a while since we last wrote in this space, but we have been busy in the meantime:
- DYC’15 was a huge success! We had over 200 in attendance this year (a growth of 25% from our inaugural conference last year), with more speakers and classes available as well.
- After a lengthy editing process, we have now completed and released Balance: 2015 Deeper Youth Conference, the eBook which contains essays of the lessons from DYC’15. If you attended this year’s conference, that book is available to you free of charge (email us if you haven’t been able to download yours). If you were not able to attend DYC’15 but are still interested in a copy of Balance, it is available for purchase at the DYM Store.
- That leads to the next point, which is that the DYM Store is now up and running! We will continue to develop and add content, but there are already multiple Bible class series, books, and retreat themes available for purchase. All of these resources have been developed to aid in the mission of Deeper Youth Ministry, which is to help young people develop a faith in Jesus Christ which will last for a lifetime. If you are in need for Bible class material or retreat ideas for your church youth group, go check it out!