DYC19 Group Registration Form

Registration: $30 per person (includes conference t-shirt, one meal, access to downloads of 2019 conference)

  • CHECKS: If you are bringing a check with you to the conference, please make it out to “Deeper Youth Ministry.”

  • ONLINE: Under the “Registration” heading below, please click the “Add to Cart” button. When prompted, enter the total number of those registering as the “quantity” and then proceed with the order process. Make sure to include t-shirt sizes in the form below. Thank you so much! We look forward to seeing you at Deeper!

Registration Deadline: Monday, October 28, 2019.


If your group is in need of housing, make sure to fill out this form. We will do our very best to house everyone that needs it, but housing will be granted on a first come-first served basis.
