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DISCIPLESHIP FOCUSED: Our resources encourage students to embrace a self-denying lifestyle where following Jesus and sharing Him with others are the foremost priorities of their lives.

When I drew this, I imagined the first time the Jesus called a group of fishermen to follow Him. He told them, “Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” The boat is empty because when they heard that call, they took it seriously. They left everything to follow Jesus. We are faced with the same decision today. The fish represents the symbol of the early Christians who followed Jesus. It was often drawn on the ground and if the other person you were talking to could draw the other side of it you knew it was safe. Even through their persecution, their numbers multiplied. God does that with our efforts today. 


CHRIST CENTERED: Discipleship is inherently focused on Jesus. Our resources seek to point people to the person and work of Jesus Christ, as revealed and described in the pages of Scripture.

This image, to me, represents all that Jesus did. The arrow on the left shows that Jesus came down to earth. God put on flesh. He lived on earth, died on a cross, was buried…but the tomb was found empty! He was raised. Every time I draw that it is a powerful reminder to me that not only is our Savior powerful, but so is the message about Him that we carry. The arrow on the right speaks of the promise Jesus made to return. How we live depends on what value we place upon that promise. This entire image represents hope. Everything we write should carry a spirit of power and hope, centered on Christ. Our work is not possible without His work. 


INTELLECTUALLY CHALLENGING: Our resources seek to engage the intellect God created us with in order to see what the Bible has to say about the world’s tough questions, and to learn why we believe what we do. 

This image to me represents the open word of God. That is how God wanted it—open. The Jews would collect and store the scriptures when they weren’t being read out loud, but I believe that God wants His word open and engaged. The word is accompanied by a lightbulb because when we read Scripture, it enlightens us. But this lightbulb only works when connected to Scripture. We will not find true wisdom unless we get it from God. Lightbulbs are clear. So is God’s word. God is clear on what He wants from us. We want everything we write to be clear and from Scripture. 


INTERGENERATIONAL: Research has shown that one of the keys in helping young people create a lasting faith is for them to develop close relationships with older Christians who can model faith for them. Our resources seek to provide opportunities for those relationships to develop.

This image was not something I struggled to create. After 15 years in youth ministry, the most effective work I have done has been with the help of other adults who have come to work in the lives of teens. I envisioned the old with their arms around the young, not just in a way of protection, but acceptance, friendship, and mentorship. God never intended for young people to find faith on their own, but rather to have it modeled for them by the generations before them. If we are going to make disciples, it will always involve the participation of people of all ages. At Deeper, we want to create opportunities for many ages to be strengthened by each other. 


DISCUSSION BASED: Teens who are brought up in the church spend a lot of time in Bible classes and listening to sermons, but studies show that almost all of them struggle to put their faith into their own words. Our resources provide frequent venues for discussion that enables students to practice doing exactly that.

This was a logo I wanted to keep simple. Sometimes we make conversations so hard, but they are so necessary to our learning. It is vital for teachers to listen as well as teach, and check for understanding. This image has bubbles over the student and the teacher; both need the opportunity to share comments and ask questions. The board in the background suggests the need to have a visual component to what we teach, but discussion is taking place in the forefront. We need it; it’s how we know if the content is real to us. Real discipleship is our goal.